أعلن فريق Timekettle عن السعر القياسي لمنتج الجيل الجديد سماعات أذن مترجمة WT2 Edge سيكون 249.00 دولارًا أمريكيًا، اعتبارًا من 23 يوليو 2021.
بناءً على زيادات الأسعار بنسبة 30٪مواد خام،صالإنتاجوتكاليف العمالة، وزيادة أسعار الرقائق بنسبة 200%بعض منأعلن فريق Timekettle عن زيادة في أسعار سماعات الأذن المترجمة WT2 Edge. الأسعار القياسية المعدلة هي كما يلي:
حزمة اللغة غير المتصلة بالإنترنت: 60.00 دولارًا أمريكيًا
*ستضيف حزمة اللغة غير المتصلة بالإنترنت اللغتين الألمانية والإنجليزية والألمانية والصينية بدءًا من أكتوبر، بإجمالي 8 لغات و14 زوجًا لغويًا متاحًا. >> تعرف على المزيد حول حزمة عدم الاتصال بالإنترنت
نحن نسعى جاهدين للحفاظ على نفس السعر لداعمي حملة Indiegogo.نحن نعتذر بشدة عن أي إزعاج قد تسببنا فيه.
ستواصل Timekettle تقييم عروضها السوقية بشكل منتظم وقد تقدم أحيانًا عروضًا ترويجية لتظل قادرة على المنافسة مع توفير قيمة استثنائية لعملائها. >> انضم إلى مجتمع Timekettle
نحن في شركة Timekettle Ltd. نود أن نستغل هذه الفرصة لنشكر جميع عملائنا الكرام على تفهمكم لهذه المسألة ونتطلع إلى مواصلة العلاقة المربحة للطرفين بين شركاتنا. خلال هذا الوقت، نأمل أن تكون أنت وعائلتك وأصدقاؤك وزملاؤك في العمل بأمان طوال هذه الجائحة غير المسبوقة والأوقات الصعبة.
My business neighbor was impressed with what I had and ordered one for himself. I was so excited with what I had, I might have downloaded the wrong package. I used up all my credit for the WT2 version. Will this affect the outcome of the translation?
Ejaz Tariq
Is there WT2 edge Playing/ walking moded
Nelson Rodriguez Acelas
Good morning gentlemen, could you kindly inform me if you have availability to send to Colombia and how long it takes, I appreciate your prompt response. Best regards
I have a friend who lives in Mexico ,and speaks no English. She wants to come visit the good ole USA. Will each one of us be able to where one earbud a piece and understand what the other is saying? Also, will I need the offline upgrade, and will this work over phone conversations? What is your return policy? I do not want to get stuck with something that doesn’t work for me.
Roland Hundley
I was originally writing in to see if the early bird price of the edge was still available but it appears that it is not. I think I would prefer the edge but I just purchased the WT2 plus for a trip coming up at the end of the month. If I returned the WT2 plus and ordered the edge, how soon could I get it? Also, where do I place an order for the edge?
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7 comentarios
WT2 Edge Owner: Andrew Smith
My business neighbor was impressed with what I had and ordered one for himself. I was so excited with what I had, I might have downloaded the wrong package. I used up all my credit for the WT2 version. Will this affect the outcome of the translation?
Ejaz Tariq
Is there WT2 edge Playing/ walking moded
Nelson Rodriguez Acelas
Good morning gentlemen, could you kindly inform me if you have availability to send to Colombia and how long it takes, I appreciate your prompt response. Best regards
I have a friend who lives in Mexico ,and speaks no English. She wants to come visit the good ole USA. Will each one of us be able to where one earbud a piece and understand what the other is saying? Also, will I need the offline upgrade, and will this work over phone conversations? What is your return policy? I do not want to get stuck with something that doesn’t work for me.
Roland Hundley
I was originally writing in to see if the early bird price of the edge was still available but it appears that it is not. I think I would prefer the edge but I just purchased the WT2 plus for a trip coming up at the end of the month. If I returned the WT2 plus and ordered the edge, how soon could I get it? Also, where do I place an order for the edge?
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