Product FAQs

General FAQs

What languages do your translator support?

Here are all 40 languages and 93 accents that it can support.

Language: Arabic, Bulgarian, Cantonese, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Danish, English, Filipino, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese.

Accent: England USA Australia Canada Ghana Ireland India Kenya Nigeria New Zealand Philippines Tanzania South Africa Singapore France Canada Spain American Argentina Bolivia Chile Costa Rica Dominica Ecuador Mexico Nicaragua Panama Peru Puerto Rico Paraguay Salvador Venezuela Portugal Brazil United Arab Emirates Bahrain Algeria Egypt Israel Iraq Jordan Kuwait Lebanon Morocco Oman Palestine Qatar Saudi Arabia Tunisia Chinese Canton Taiwan

W4 سماعات أذن Pro AI Interpreter

W4 محترف

W4Scarica il manuale utente Pro

انظر دليل الفيديو التعليمي
Qual è il vantaggio più grande diW4 Pro rispetto ad altri prodotti di traduzione presenti sul mercato?

Rispetto ad altri dispositivi di traduzione:
1.W4 Pro è più adatto per scenari di comunicazione approfonditi. Consente di registrare e ascoltare le traduzioni contemporaneamente, migliorando significativamente l'efficienza della comunicazione.
2.W4 Pro supporta la traduzione di video, riunioni online e telefonate sul cellulare.

Rispetto ad altri auricolari per traduttori:
1. Solo gli auricolari Timekettle offrono la modalità One-on-One, in cui ogni persona indossa un auricolare, consentendo a entrambe le parti di parlare e ascoltare i risultati della traduzione contemporaneamente, migliorando notevolmente l'efficienza della comunicazione.
2. L'esclusiva tecnologia "AI Semantic Judgment" degli auricolari Timekettle garantisce una traduzione più rapida, riducendo al minimo il ritardo nell'ascolto delle lingue tradotte e avvicinandosi all'effetto di un interprete dal vivo.
3. Quando si traducono video, riunioni online e chiamate sul telefono cellulare,W4 Pro non solo visualizza i sottotitoli della traduzione, ma riproduce anche la traduzione tramite gli auricolari, una funzionalità non supportata da altri traduttori sul mercato.
4. Il potente array di microfoni inW4 Pro offre una maggiore accuratezza di traduzione e una migliore resistenza alle interferenze di rumore. Può tradurre accuratamente il parlato anche in ambienti rumorosi o quando altri stanno parlando.

مركز المترجم الفوري الأول بالذكاء الاصطناعي في العالم


تنزيل دليل المستخدم X1

انظر دليل الفيديو التعليمي
كم من الوقت يستغرق شحن X1? وكم من الوقت يمكن أن يستمر قيد الاستخدام?

يعمل بشكل متواصل لمدة 9 ساعات، ووقت الاستعداد أكثر من 7 أيام، ووقت الشحن 2 ساعة.

Bidirection Simultaneous Translation

WT2 Edge

WT2 Edge_User_Manual Download

See Tutorial Video Guide
How many hours will it record?

The WT2 Edge usually takes about 90 minutes to fully charge the earphone box and earphones each time.
Earbuds battery life: 2-3 hours/ each time for continuous operation (the battery drain rate mainly depends on how often you use it).
Earbuds can work for 10-12 hours with a charging case (it means that you can charge the earbuds about 3-4 times with the earbuds box if you need to use it for a long time or go out to use).

Translation, Music & Phone Call


M3_User_Manual Download

See Tutorial Video Guide
How does Timekettle M3 compare to Timekettle M2?

Any products in our M series integrate 3-in-1 functionality in translation, music, and phone calls. M3, being the upgraded generation of M2, is integrated with High-precision Active Noise Reduction controller that greatly enhances the translation user experience.

Fluentalk T1

Learn more about fluentalk T1 details usages in the FAQs.

T1_User_Manual Download

See Tutorial Video Guide
What languages and countries does T1 support covered by the 2-year free data?

Below are the detailed languages supported by T1 and the countries covered by the 2-year free data:

40 Languages(93 Accents): Arabic / Bulgarian / Cantonese / Catalan / Chinese / Croatian / Czech / Danish / Dutch / English / Finnish / Filipino / French / German / Greek / Hebrew / Hindi / Hungarian / Icelandic / Indonesian / Italian /Japanese / Korean /Malay / Norwegian / Polish / Portuguese / Romanian / Russian / Slovak / Slovenian / Spanish / Swedish / Tamil / Telugu / Thai / Turkish / Ukrainian / Urdu / Vietnamese

8 Languages Offline Translation: Chinese ⇆ English, Japanese, Korean, French, Spanish, Russian, German. English ⇆ Chinese, Japanese, Korean, French, Spanish, Russian, German

39 languages supported by photo translation: Arabic / Bulgarian / Cantonese / Catalan / Chinese / Croatian / Czech / Danish / Dutch / English / Finnish / Fillipino / French / German / Greek / Hebrew / Hungarian / Icelandic / Indonesian / Italian /Japanese / Korean /Malay / Norwegian / Polish / Portuguese / Romanian / Russian / Slovak / Slovenian / Spanish / Swedish / Tamil / Telugu / Thai / Turkish / Ukrainian / Urdu / Vietnamese

84 Countries/Regions of 2-year Free Data:
<North America>: Canada, Nicaragua, the United States, Mexico
<Asia>: China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Macau, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Armenia, Yemen, Cambodia
<Oceania>: Australia and New Zealand
<Europe>: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Republic of Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Georgia, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Republic of Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom
<Africa>: Algeria, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Sudan, Tanzania
<South America>: Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru

Fluentalk T1 Mini

Learn more about fluentalk T1 Mini details usages in the FAQs.

T1_Mini_User_Manual Download

See Tutorial Video Guide
What's the difference between T1 mini and T1?

T1 is our standard model with a 4.0-inch large screen, more functions, and better performance, compatible with multiple scenarios such as travel and business. It provides 2-year free mobile data globally. In addition to One-Click Translation and Photo Translation, there are other functions like Chat Translation, Listen Mode, Voice Memo, etc.

T1 mini is also a handheld translator device but specially designed for travel scenarios. The screen is 2.8 inch only, which is smaller and more portable. It provides 1-year free mobile data globally. Its major functions are voice translation (One-Click Translation), Photo Translation, and offline translation.

Does it require Wi-FI?

ZERO needs to work with your phone. As long as your phone has an internet connection, whether it's through Wi-Fi or mobile data, it will be able to function properly for online translation. You can also use the offline translation even when your phone doesn't have an internet connection.

1st Generation Product of M Series


M2_User_Manual Download

See Tutorial Video Guide
How long does the battery last?

A single full-charged M2 earbud supports up to 5 hours of translating or 6 hours of music playback. It supports 20 hours of nonstop translating or 24 hours of music playback on a single charge of the charging case.


ما هي سماعات الأذن المترجمة التي تم تصميمها خصيصًا لك ?

قارن بينهما واختر الإصدار الأفضل لاحتياجاتك.

<tc>W4Auricolari Pro per interprete AI</tc>
W4Auricolari Pro per interprete AI Prezzo scontatoDhs. 1,673.90 AED
Timekettle WT2 Edge/W3 Real-time Translator Earbuds White
Timekettle WT2 Edge Traduttore in tempo reale Prezzo scontatoA partire da Dhs. 1,118.38 AED
<tc>W4Auricolari Pro per interprete AI</tc>
W4Auricolari Pro per interprete AI Prezzo scontatoDhs. 1,673.90 AED
Timekettle WT2 Edge/W3 Real-time Translator Earbuds White
Timekettle WT2 Edge Traduttore in tempo reale Prezzo scontatoA partire da Dhs. 1,118.38 AED
الترجمة الفورية في اتجاهين

✓ (للتواصل الفردي)

مكالمة صوتية

تشغيل الموسيقى

الاتصال الهاتفي

الترجمة الإعلامية


ما هي سماعات الأذن المترجمة التي تم تصميمها خصيصًا لك ?

قارن بينهما واختر الإصدار الأفضل لاحتياجاتك.

X1 AI Interpreter Hub
X1 AI Interpreter Hub Prezzo scontatoA partire da Dhs. 2,609.60 AED
Timekettle WT2 Edge/W3 Real-time Translator Earbuds White
Timekettle WT2 Edge Traduttore in tempo reale Prezzo scontatoA partire da Dhs. 1,118.38 AED
X1 AI Interpreter Hub
X1 AI Interpreter Hub Prezzo scontatoA partire da Dhs. 2,609.60 AED
Timekettle WT2 Edge/W3 Real-time Translator Earbuds White
Timekettle WT2 Edge Traduttore in tempo reale Prezzo scontatoA partire da Dhs. 1,118.38 AED

مركز ذكاء اصطناعي مبتكر متعدد اللغات ومتعدد المستخدمين للترجمة الفورية

سماعات أذن للترجمة الفورية الرائدة في فئتها لإجراء محادثات أعمق وتجربة غامرة.

الترجمة الفورية

20 شخصًا بخمس لغات

20 شخصًا في لغتين


لا يوجد جهاز مستقل

تطبيق Timekettle

الترجمة الفورية في اتجاهين

مكالمة صوتية


Which translator earbuds is made for you ?

Compare them and choose the best version for your needs.

Timekettle WT2 Edge/W3 Real-time Translator Earbuds White
Timekettle WT2 Edge Traduttore in tempo reale Prezzo scontatoA partire da Dhs. 1,118.38 AED
Timekettle M3 Language Translator Earbuds
Timekettle M3 Language Translator Earbuds Prezzo scontatoA partire da Dhs. 447.33 AED
Timekettle WT2 Edge/W3 Real-time Translator Earbuds White
Timekettle WT2 Edge Traduttore in tempo reale Prezzo scontatoA partire da Dhs. 1,118.38 AED
Timekettle M3 Language Translator Earbuds
Timekettle M3 Language Translator Earbuds Prezzo scontatoA partire da Dhs. 447.33 AED

Deep and long communications with friends or business partners

Short conversations abroad and entertainment functions

Short conversations abroad and entertainment functions

Usage Scenarios

Daily work, Travel, Multilingual families/friends

Expat life, Travel, Music playing and phone calling, Multilingual families/friends, Lectures

Travel, Music playing and phone calling, Multilingual families/friends

How many persons can use earbuds at the same time?




Simultaneous Two-way Interpretation

Simultaneous One-way Interpretation

(up to 6 persons)


Which handheld translator is made for you ?

Compare them and choose the best version for your needs.


91×54.8×13.4 mm

116.8×58.6×11.2 mm

Net Weight

Merely 86 g

115 g


2.83 in

4.0 in

Standby Time

7 days

7 days




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